Publications related to llreve

Title Author(s) Source
Using Relational Verification for Program SlicingBernhard Beckert, Thorsten Bormer, Stephan Gocht, Mihai Herda, Daniel Lentzsch, and Mattias Ulbrich17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2019)
Title Author(s) Source
Automating Regression Verification of Pointer Programs by Predicate AbstractionVladimir Klebanov, Philipp Rümmer, and Mattias UlbrichFormal Methods in System Design 52(3)
Title Author(s) Source
Relational Program Reasoning Using Compiler IR – Combining Static Verification and Dynamic AnalysisMoritz Kiefer, Vladimir Klebanov, and Mattias UlbrichJournal of Automated Reasoning 60(3)
SemSlice: Exploiting Relational Verification for Automatic Program SlicingBernhard Beckert, Thorsten Bormer, Stephan Gocht, Mihai Herda, Daniel Lentzsch, and Mattias Ulbrich13th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods (iFM 2017)
Title Author(s) Source
Relational Program Reasoning Using Compiler IRMoritz Kiefer, Vladimir Klebanov, and Mattias Ulbrich8th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE 2016), Revised Selected Papers
Title Author(s) Source
Automating Regression VerificationDennis Felsing, Sarah Grebing, Vladimir Klebanov, Philipp Rümmer, and Mattias UlbrichMultikonferenz Software Engineering und Management 2015: Fachtagung Software Engineering (SE 2015)
Title Author(s) Source
Automating Regression VerificationDennis Felsing, Sarah Grebing, Vladimir Klebanov, Philipp Rümmer, and Mattias Ulbrich29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014)