Learning from Evolution for Evolution

Book Chapter

Author(s):Stefan Kögel, Matthias Tichy, Abhishek Chakraborty, Alexander Fay, Birgit Vogel‑Heuser, Christopher Haubeck, Gabriele Taentzer, Timo Kehrer, Jan Ladiges, Lars Grunske, Mattias Ulbrich, Safa Bougouffa, Sinem Getir, Suhyun Cha, Udo Kelter, Winfried Lamersdorf, Kiana Busch, Robert Heinrich, and Sandro Koch
In:Managed Software Evolution


  author    = {Stefan K{\"{o}}gel and
               Matthias Tichy and
               Abhishek Chakraborty and
               Alexander Fay and
               Birgit Vogel{-}Heuser and
               Christopher Haubeck and
               Gabriele Taentzer and
               Timo Kehrer and
               Jan Ladiges and
               Lars Grunske and
               Mattias Ulbrich and
               Safa Bougouffa and
               Sinem Getir and
               Suhyun Cha and
               Udo Kelter and
               Winfried Lamersdorf and
               Kiana Busch and
               Robert Heinrich and
               Sandro Koch},
  editor    = {Ralf H. Reussner and
               Michael Goedicke and
               Wilhelm Hasselbring and
               Birgit Vogel{-}Heuser and
               Jan Keim and
               Lukas M{\"{a}}rtin},
  title     = {Learning from Evolution for Evolution},
  booktitle = {Managed Software Evolution},
  pages     = {255--308},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2019},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-13499-0\_10}