A Dynamic Logic for Deductive Verification of Concurrent Java Programs With Condition Variables

Reviewed Paper In Proceedings

Author(s):Bernhard Beckert and Vladimir Klebanov
In:1st International Workshop on Verification and Analysis of Multi-threaded Java-like Programs (VAMP 2007), Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2007: the 18th International Conference on Concurrency Theory


  author    = {Bernhard Beckert and Vladimir Klebanov},
  title     = {A Dynamic Logic for Deductive Verification of Concurrent Java
               Programs With Condition Variables},
  booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Verification
               and Analysis of Multi-threaded Java-like Programs (VAMP 2007),
               Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2007: the 18th International
               Conference on Concurrency Theory},
  editors   = {C. Haack and M. Huisman and J. Kiniry and E. Poll},
  venue     = {Lisbon, Portugal},
  year      = {2007}